The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komandarm 2nd Rank Ivan Panfilovich Belov

Belov, Ivan Panfilovich

Komandarm 2nd Rank

* 15th of June 1893

† 29th of July 1938

(Иван Панфилович Белов)


1935-11-20 Komandarm 2nd Rank


1918-03-XX 1919-04-XX Commandant of Tashkent Fortress
1919-04-XX 1919-10-XX Commander in Chief Forces of Turkestan Republic
1919-10-XX 1920-01-XX Commanding Officer Forces of Semirechye Region
1920-01-17 1920-07-07 Commanding Officer 3rd Turkestan Rifle Division
1920-07-07 1921-09-XX Commanding Officer Bukhara Group of Forces
1921-09-XX 1922-04-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Don Rifle Division
1922-04-XX 1922-06-XX Commanding Officer 22nd Krasnodar Rifle Division
1922-06-XX 1923-07-21 Acting Commanding Officer IX Rifle Corps
1923-07-21 1923-08-22 Commanding Officer 9th Don Rifle Division
1923-08-22 1923-12-12 Acting Commanding Officer XV Rifle Corps
1923-08-22 1923-12-12 Commanding Officer Krasnodar Garrision
1923-12-25 1924-02-12 Commanding Officer XV Rifle Corps
1924-02-12 1924-06-05 Commanding Officer IX Rifle Corps
1924-06-05 1925-07-18 Commanding Officer II Rifle Corps
1925-07-18 1927-06-15 Assistant Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1927-06-15 1927-11-01 Assistant Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Military District
1927-11-01 1931-06-11 Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Military District
1931-06-11 1935-09-29 Commander in Chief Leningrad Military District
1935-09-29 1937-06-05 Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1937-06-05 1938-01-07 Commander in Chief Belorussian Military District
1938-01-07 1938-07-29 Arrested
1938-07-29 Condemned to death
1938-07-29 Executed
1955-11-26 Rehabilitated
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