The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Arturo Benigni

Benigni, Arturo


* 20th of January 1890

† 27th of May 1961


1937-07-01 Colonel
1942-04-15 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-01-01)


1939-11-01 Commanding Officer 12th Bersaglieri Regiment
1939-11-01 1940-03-01 Attached to Trieste Corps
1940-03-01 Commandant of Pola Officer Cadets Complementary School
1940-03-01 Commandant of Pola Bersaglieri Non-Commissioned Officer Cadets Complementary School
1942-XX-XX 1942-06-20 Commanding Officer Istria Military Zone
1942-06-20 1942-10-20 Commanding Officer 2nd March Brigade
1942-10-20 1943-05-13 Commanding Officer Infantry, 1st Infantry Division "Superga"
1943-05-13 1946-04-XX Prisoner of War
1946-04-XX Released
Picture source: Courtesy of Cristiano D'Adamo