The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Umberto Berardi

Berardi, Umberto


* 1st of December 1884


1937-09-01 Brigadier-General


1933-XX-XX 1934-XX-XX Commanding Officer 5th Cavalry Regiment "Cavalleggeri di Novara"
1934-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Commanding Officer 5th Cavalry Regiment "Lancieri di Novara"
1936-XX-XX 1938-09-01 Commandant of School of Application of Cavalry
1938-09-01 1939-09-01 Deputy General Officer Commanding 3rd Celere Division "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta"
1939-09-01 1939-11-10 Attached to the Celere Corps
1939-11-10 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1941-01-01 Recalled
1941-XX-XX Prisoner of War