The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Aviation Pavel Fedorovich Berezin

Berezin, Pavel Fedorovich

Major-General of Aviation

* 19th of June 1904

† 6th of October 1976

(Павел Федорович Березин)


1944-05-11 Major-General of Aviation


1939-02-XX 1940-12-XX Chief of Combat Training Section, Air Forces, Orel Military District
1940-12-XX 1943-12-XX Deputy Military Attaché for Aviation to USA
1943-12-XX 1944-02-XX At disposal of the Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1944-02-XX 1945-01-XX Chief of 4th Section, 2nd Directorate, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1945-01-XX 1946-03-XX Responsible Secretary Commission for Affairs of International Air Communications USSR, Council of People's Commissars USSR
1946-03-XX 1947-03-XX Responsible Secretary Commission for Affairs of International air Communications USSR, Council of Ministers USSR
1947-03-XX 1947-08-XX Head of Main Civil Aviation Fleet Directorate, Council of Ministers USSR
1947-08-XX 1947-09-XX At disposal of the Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1947-09-XX 1955-05-23 Acting Chief Instructor of Military Diplomatic Service, Sub-Department of History of International Relations & Diplomacy, Military Diplomatic Academy
1955-05-23 Retired
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