The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Michel-Albert Bergès

Bergès, Michel-Albert


* 4th of January 1894

† 26th of May 1950


1938-06-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-25 Colonel
1943-08-23 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1943-08.23)


1935-10-07 1940-07-02 Military Commissar for Eastern Railways
1940-07-02 1940-09-10 Railway Controller Pau
1940-09-10 1940-11-08 Commanding Officer Aix Military District
1940-11-08 1942-06-15 Director of Transport, French North Africa
1942-06-15 1943-03-18 Commanding Officer 3rd Zouaves Regiment
1943-03-18 1944-02-29 Director of Personnel, General Staff
1944-02-29 1944-05-27 Director of Rear Areas, Army B
1944-05-27 1944-06-20 Military Director of Rail Transport in Metropolitan France
1944-06-20 1944-08-31 Commissioner to the Military Delegate to the United Kingdom of the Provisional Government of the French Republic
1944-08-31 1946-09-24 Military Commissar of the Central Commission of Railways
1945-04-12 1946-01-01 Chairman of the Inter-Allied Waterways Commission
1945-08-09 1947-03-11 Chairman of the Inter-Allied Commission of Railways
1947-03-11 1950-05-26 Assistant Military-Governor of Lyon
1947-03-11 1950-05-26 Assistant General Officer Commanding 8th Military Region
1949-05-20 1950-05-26 Commanding Officer Non-Divisional Group, 8th Military Region