The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General René-Gabriel-Henri Bertrand

Bertrand, René-Gabriel-Henri


* 20th of June 1895

† 6th of February 1966


1940-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-09-25 Colonel
1945-01-18 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-12-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-12-25)
1949-10-15 Major-General
1954-11-01 Lieutenant-General


1939-09-02 1940-07-31 Chief of the Cabinet to the Commander in Chief of North African Theatre of Operations
1940-07-31 1940-12-13 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the Resident-General in Morocco
1940-12-13 1942-04-15 Attached to 43rd Infantry Regiment
1942-01-15 1942-12-01 Commanding Officer 1st Infantry Regiment
1942-12-01 1943-03-01 On leave
1942-12-01 Joins the Resistance
1942-12-01 1944-05-20 Commanding Officer 5th Region, Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée
1943-03-01 1944-09-12 Armistice leave
1943-09-01 1944-05-20 Commanding Officer 9th Region, Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée
1944-05-20 1944-07-20 Delegate of the Comité d'Action Militaire for Morvan
1944-07-20 1944-09-12 Commanding Officer French Forces of the Interior, Cher-Syd
1944-07-20 1944-09-12 Commanding Officer 1st Maquis Infantry Regiment
1944-09-12 1945-02-17 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Bourges
1944-09-12 1945-02-17 Commanding Officer Group Bertrand
1944-09-12 1945-02-17 Commanding Officer 1st Infantry Regiment
1945-02-17 1946-02-01 Commanding Officer Infantry, 1st Motorised Infantry Division
1946-02-01 1946-05-30 General Officer Commanding 1st Motorised Infantry Division
1946-05-30 1946-11-13 Assistant General Officer Commanding 7th Military Region
1946-11-13 1950-10-06 Commandant of École Supérieure de Guerre
1949-07-15 1950-10-06 Commandant of l'École d'État-Major
1950-10-06 1951-10-26 General Officer Commanding French Forces of Occupation in Austria
1951-10-26 1953-10-17 Assistant Commander in Chief Southern Europe
1953-10-17 1955-07-01 Director of Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale et du Centre des Hautes Etudes Militaires
1955-07-01 Retired