The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Jacques-Marie-Félix-Georges Bessey de Boissy

Bessey de Boissy, Jacques-Marie-Félix-Georges


* 24th of January 1875

† 28th of March 1963


1919-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1927-09-25 Colonel
1933-09-06 Brigadier-General


1931-05-13 1931-09-16 Commanding Officer 2nd Sub-Divisions Group, 16th Military Region
1934-05-28 Commanding Officer 1st Sub-Divisions Group, 17th Military Region
1935-01-24 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1939-10-20 Commanding Officer Sub-Divisions Group Toulouse
1939-10-20 Retired
1945-07-19 Condemned to 5 years imprisonment
1946-03-16 Sentence changed to 18 months imprisonment