The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Etienne-Paul-Émile-Marie Beynet

Beynet, Etienne-Paul-Émile-Marie


* 29th of October 1883

† 9th of April 1969


1927-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-06-25 Colonel
1935-06-25 Brigadier-General
1938-09-23 Major-General
1941-02-20 Lieutenant-General
1944-10-23 General


1928-01-15 Staff Officer, Levant
1928-01-15 1930-05-05 Deputy Chief of Staff, Levant
1930-05-05 1931-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Levant
1932-06-25 1935-12-01 Commanding Officer 7th Mountain Demi-Brigade
1935-12-01 1936-06-01 Attending the Centre des Hautes Études Militaires
1936-04-10 1938-01-24 Military-Governor of Briançon
1938-01-24 1939-09-02 Temporary General Officer Commanding Division Alger [Algeria]
1939-09-02 1939-11-27 General Officer Commanding 81st Infantry Division
1939-11-27 1940-07-06 General Officer Commanding XIV Corps
1940-07-06 1940-08-20 Assistant General Officer Commanding 19th Military Region
1940-08-20 1941-09-15 General Officer Commanding 19th Military Region
1941-09-15 1942-02-01 Head of the French Delegation at German Armistice Commission at Wiesbaden
1942-10-29 Retired
1942-XX-XX Fled to England
1943-03-26 Joins the Free French
1943-11-10 1944-01-23 Head of the French Military Mission to Washington
1944-01-23 1946-09-01 General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1944-01-23 1946-09-01 High Commissioner of Levant
1946-03-15 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Laurent Icardo