The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Francis John Biddulph

Biddulph, Francis John


* 18th of August 1896

† 8th of December 1979

(Royal Engineers)


1940-01-03 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-04-03 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-01-18 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-05-12 Acting Colonel
1941-08-14 Acting Brigadier
1941-11-10 Relinquish the Acting rank of Brigadier
1941-11-12 Temporary Colonel
1944-07-21 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Colonel
1944-10-17 Temporary Colonel
1945-04-28 Reverted to Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-05-18 Temporary Colonel
1946-05-05 Granted the honorary rank of Colonel


1939-12-30 1940-11-05 Chief Instructor at ?
1940-11-12 1941-01-31 Chief Instructor at ?
1941-05-12 1941-08-13 Assistant Director of Transportation ? [India]
1941-08-14 1941-09-15 Director of Transportation, Army Headquarters India
1941-09-16 1942-01-14 Deputy Director of Transportation ? [India]
1943-02-21 1943-09-20 Deputy Director of Transportation, Ceylon
1943-11-04 1944-07-21 Deputy Director of Transportation, British Army Staff Washington
1946-05-05 Retired