The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Engineer-General 2nd Class André-Jean-Marie Blanchard

Blanchard, André-Jean-Marie

Engineer-General 2nd Class

* 3rd of June 1893

† 2nd of February 1981


1926-10-01 Chief Engineer 2nd Class
1932-11-01 Chief Engineer 1st Class
1937-03-19 Engineer-General 2nd Class


1926-07-09 1929-11-07 Principal Military Engineer, Powder Mill Sevran-Livry
1929-11-07 Chief of Technical Service, 6th Directorate, Ministry of War
1931-02-05 1939-09-20 Director of Powder, Ministry of War
1939-09-20 1941-10-04 Director of Powder, Explosives & Chemical Products, Ministry of Armaments
1941-10-04 Retired