The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komdiv Zhan Karlovich Bliumberg

Bliumberg, Zhan Karlovich


* 21st of September 1889

† 26th of April 1938

(Жан Карлович Блюмберг)


1935-11-26 Komdiv


1929-07-XX 1930-03-XX Assistant Inspector of Infantry
1930-03-XX 1932-05-XX Commanding Officer Karelian Fortified Area
1932-05-XX 1932-XX-XX Inspector of Engineering Constructions, Engineering Directorate
1933-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Military-Engineering Academy
1933-06-XX 1933-11-XX Head of Strategy & Tactics Department, Military-Engineering Academy
1933-11-XX 1936-01-XX Head of Command Department, Military-Engineering Academy
1936-01-XX 1936-09-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1936-09-XX 1937-12-13 Deputy Inspector of Infantry
1937-12-13 1938-04-26 Arrested
1938-04-26 Condemned to death
1938-04-26 Executed
1956-07-19 Rehabilitated
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