The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Geoffroi-Marie-Otton du Bois de Beauchesne

Bois de Beauchesne, Geoffroi-Marie-Otton du


* 28th of April 1883

† 29th of December 1957


1932-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-06-25 Colonel
1940-06-01 Temporary Brigadier-General
1940-06-25 Brigadier-General


1932-XX-XX 1934-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 1st Cavalry Division
1935-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Commanding Officer 19th Dragoon Regiment
1939-05-25 1940-05-23 Commanding Officer 2nd Light Mechanized Brigade
1940-05-10 1940-05-15 Commanding Officer Reconnaissance Group in Holland
1940-05-23 1940-08-28 General Officer Commanding 1st Light Mechanized Division
1940-08-28 1940-11-10 Commanding Officer Cavalry Brigade Vienne
1940-08-28 1940-11-10 Commanding Officer Republican Guard, 14th Military Region
1940-11-10 1941-04-28 General Officer Commanding 1st Group of Military Divisions
1941-04-28 Retired
1945-04-03 Recalled
1945-07-11 1946-03-12 Commandant of the French Sector of Berlin
1946-03-15 Retired