The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Richard Lawrence Bond

Bond, Richard Lawrence


* 10th of June 1890

† 13th of May 1979

(Royal Engineers)


1931-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-07-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-02-07 Colonel (Dated back to 1934-07-01)
1939-08-01 Temporary Brigadier
1941-02-20 Acting Major-General
1941-04-15 Major-General (Dated back to 1940-11-27)


1934-09-24 1937-02-07 Commander Royal Engineers, Waziristan District [India]
1937-02-07 1939-08-01 Assistant Quartermaster-General, War Office
1939-08-01 1939-09-01 Chief Engineer, Aldershot Command
1939-09-01 1940-11-25 Chief Engineer, I Corps [France]
1941-02-20 1941-05-07 Chief Administration Officer, Anti-Aircraft Command
1941-08-08 1942-03-05 Deputy Quartermaster-General, Army Headquarters India
1942-03-16 1943-05-07 Engineer in Chief, Army Headquarters India
1943-05-08 1943-12-18 General Officer Commanding Trincomalee Base
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Sierra Leone & Gambia
1946-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Nigeria
1946-05-16 Retired
Picture source: From: "The Royal Engineers Journal", 1980, Vol. 94, No. 1