The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Kombrig Georgii Makarovich Bondariuk

Bondariuk, Georgii Makarovich


* April 1902

† 2nd of October 1938

(Георгий Макарович Бондарюк)


1935-11-28 Kombrig


1933-12-XX Commanding Officer 101st Mixed Aviation Brigade
1933-12-XX Military Commissar, 101st Mixed Aviation Brigade
1936-11-09 Commanding Officer 101st Heavy Bomber Aviation Brigade
1936-11-09 Military Commissar, 101st Heavy Bomber Aviation Brigade
1936-12-23 Condemned to 1 years imprisonment, sentence changed to 4 months confinement to quarters, for dereliction of duty
1937-04-XX 1937-09-03 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of the Air Force
1937-09-03 1938-10-02 Arrested
1938-10-02 Condemned to death
1938-10-02 Executed
1956-06-27 Rehabilitated
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