The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Paul-Louis Bondis

Bondis, Paul-Louis


* 5th of January 1895

† 15th of April 1986


1939-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-03-25 Colonel
1944-09-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-09-25)
1950-02-20 Major-General
1955-01-01 Lieutenant-General


1939-09-02 1940-03-09 Attached to the Staff of the General Officer Commanding Morocco
1940-03-09 1940-07-13 Director of Military Transportation, North African Theatre of Operations
1940-07-13 1940-11-12 Director of Transportation, Morocco
1940-11-12 1941-12-08 Deputy Chief of Staff, Morocco
1941-12-08 1943-02-18 Chief of Staff, Morocco
1943-02-18 1944-01-21 Commanding Officer 6th Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment
1944-01-21 1944-05-04 Director of Personnel, General Staff
1944-05-04 1946-04-01 Commanding Officer Infantry, 4th Moroccan Mountain Division
1946-04-01 1949-05-20 Assistant General Officer Commanding Morocco
1949-05-20 1950-01-09 Commanding Officer Non-Divisional Group, 9th Military Region
1950-01-09 1951-08-22 Commandant of l'École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr
1951-08-22 1951-10-01 At the disposal of the Minister of State for Relations with Associated States to be posted to the Far East
1951-10-01 1953-12-11 General Officer Commanding Southern Vietnam
1951-10-01 1953-12-11 Commissioner for Southern Vietnam
1953-12-11 1954-04-17 On leave
1954-02-25 1954-06-04 Assistant Inspector-General of the Armed Forces in North Africa
1954-06-04 1955-02-01 Inspector-General of the Armed Forces in North Africa
1955-02-01 Retired