The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General René-Edouard-Joseph Bonnet de la Tour

Bonnet de la Tour, René-Edouard-Joseph


* 12th of November 1887

† 16th of April 1976


1933-03-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-06-24 Colonel
1941-02-20 Brigadier-General
1944-10-01 Reverted to Brigadier-General
1950-03-17 Major-General


1930-06-24 1937-XX-XX Staff Officer to General Walch as Member of the Supreme War Council
1938-06-08 Commanding Officer 504th Armoured Regiment
1940-02-05 1940-05-19 Commanding Officer Tanks, 7th Army
1942-02-07 1942-11-28 Assistant General Officer Commanding 16th Military Division