The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Charles Mendelssohn Bostock

Bostock, Charles Mendelssohn


* 29th of August 1889

† 22nd of January 1976

(Royal Army Ordnance Corps)


1937-05-26 Local Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-10-04 Acting Colonel
1941-04-04 Temporary Colonel
1941-12-15 Acting Brigadier
1942-02-16 Colonel
1942-06-15 Temporary Brigadier
1947-01-11 Granted the honorary rank of Brigadier


1937-05-26 1940-07-14 Chief Instructor, British Military Mission to Egypt
1940-10-04 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services ?
1941-07-15 1942-10-11 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services, Southern Command
1942-10-12 1943-07-25 Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering ?
1943-07-26 1943-10-02 Director of Mechanical Engineering, 21st Army Group
1943-10-03 1947-XX-XX Inspector of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, War Office
1947-01-11 Retired