The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Jean-Claude-Louis-Victor Bouley

Bouley, Jean-Claude-Louis-Victor


* 24th of August 1897

† 18th of June 1983


1942-03-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-06-25 Temporary Colonel
1944-11-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-11-25)
1951-04-01 Major-General


1941-04-10 1942-11-16 Attached to the Commander in Chief North Africa
1942-11-15 1943-07-23 Member of the French Military Mission with Headquarters Allied Forces
1943-07-23 1943-09-01 At disposal of General de Gaulle
1943-09-01 1945-04-14 Chief of Staff, II Corps
1945-04-14 1945-04-25 At the disposal of the Head of the French Military Mission for German Affairs
1945-04-25 1946-06-01 Military-Governor of Rhine-Palatinate
1946-06-01 1946-08-15 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of French Forces in Germany
1946-08-15 1952-04-09 Commanding Officer Engineers, French Occupation Forces in Germany
1952-04-09 1954-07-15 General Officer Commanding 15th Infantry Division
1954-07-15 1955-04-29 Assistant Military-Governor of Lyon
1954-11-13 1955-04-29 General Officer Commanding Alps Defence Sector
1955-04-29 1957-08-24 General Officer Commanding 2nd Military Region
1957-08-24 Retired