The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Signal Troops Georgii Mikhailovich Bragin

Bragin, Georgii Mikhailovich

Major-General of Signal Troops

* 16th of January 1900

† 24th of February 1955

(Георгий Михайлович Брагин)


Major-General of Signal Troops


1936-02-XX 1936-05-XX Deputy Chief of Signal Section, Leningrad Military District
1936-05-XX 1939-02-XX Chief of Signal Service, 5th Cavalry Corps
1939-02-XX 1942-01-XX Chief of Signal Section, Central Asian Military District
1942-01-05 1942-03-03 Commanding Officer Separate Ski Brigade
1942-03-04 1944-02-27 Chief of Staff, 32nd Army
1944-02-27 1944-04-10 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1944-04-10 1944-07-23 In reserve Military Academy of the General Staff
1944-07-23 1945-12-XX Chief of Staff, 27th Army
1945-12-XX 1950-02-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1950-02-27 Retired
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