The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Alfred-André Braun

Braun, Alfred-André


* 13th of November 1886

† 17th of December 1961


1932-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-06-24 Colonel
1942-10-01 Brigadier-General (Retired)


1933-12-21 Staff Officer, Military-Government of Metz
1933-12-21 Staff Officer, 6th Military Region
1933-12-21 1936-10-01 Deputy Chief of Staff, 6th Military Region
1933-12-21 1936-10-01 Deputy Chief of Staff, Military-Government of Metz
1936-10-01 1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer 26th Infantry Regiment
1939-08-24 1940-06-18 Commanding Officer Infantry, 43rd Infantry Division
1940-06-18 1940-07-06 Prisoner of War
1940-07-06 Released for reasons of health
1942-07-01 1942-12-01 Attached to the Army Social Service, 15th Military Division
1942-12-01 1942-12-31 Director of the Army Social Service, 15th Military Division
1944-01-01 Recalled
1944-05-01 Retired