The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Jean Breuillac

Breuillac, Jean


* 12th of January 1890

† 10th of May 1975


1943-07-09 Lieutenant-Colonel (Dated back to 1940-06-25)
1943-07-09 Colonel (Dated back to 1942-06-25)
1944-02-29 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1943-12-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1943-12-25)
1946-10-20 Major-General


1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Northern Army Group
1940-XX-XX Chief of Staff, March Division Casablanca
1940-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Tunisia
1941-XX-XX Arrested by Vichy
1943-05-XX Joins the Free French
1943-06-01 1943-08-05 Attached to the Special Staff of General de Gaulle
1943-08-05 1943-11-11 Assistant Chief of the Military Cabinet the Commissioner of National Defence
1943-11-11 1944-05-04 Assistant Chief of the Military Cabinet the Commissar of War & Air
1944-05-04 1944-08-29 Assistant Commanding Officer Algier Garrison
1944-08-29 1946-09-17 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Algier
1946-09-17 1946-12-31 At disposal of the Commander in Chief French Forces in Germany
1946-12-31 1947-09-18 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the Minister of National Defence & Armed Forces
1947-09-18 1949-01-12 Assistant Director of the Centre de Hautes Études de la Defénce Nationale
1949-01-12 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous