The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Pavel Porfirevich Brikel

Brikel, Pavel Porfirevich


* 18th of November 1903

† 12th of October 1983

(Павел Порфирьевич Брикель)


1944-02-22 Major-General


1940-02-XX 1941-12-25 Commanding Officer 34th Cavalry Regiment
1941-12-25 1942-10-XX Commanding Officer 17th Guards Cavalry Regiment
1942-10-XX 1943-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 6th Guards Cavalry Division
1943-01-XX 1946-06-XX Commanding Officer 6th Guards Cavalry Division
1946-06-XX 1947-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 3rd Guards Separate Cavalry Division
1947-06-XX 1950-06-XX Head of Dubovsk Military Horse Farm
1948-04-XX Retired, but continued in his appointment
1950-06-XX 1951-12-XX Director of Northern Caucasian Collective Stud Farms
1951-12-XX Recalled to the Army
1951-12-XX 1953-08-08 Head of Central Military Stud Farms Directorate
1953-08-08 Retired
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