The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Marshal of Soviet Union Semen Mikhailovich Budennyi

Budennyi, Semen Mikhailovich

Marshal of Soviet Union

* 25th of March 1883

† 26th of October 1973

(Семен Михайлович Буденный)


1935-11-20 Marshal of Soviet Union


1918-09-XX 1919-03-XX Assistant Commanding Officer lst Cavalry Brigade
1919-04-XX 1919-06-XX Commanding Officer 4th Cavalry Division
1919-06-26 1919-11-17 Commanding Officer I Cavalry Corps
1919-11-17 1923-10-26 Commanding Officer 1st Cavalry Army [Poland]
1921-05-27 1923-01-09 Deputy Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Military District
1921-05-27 1923-01-09 Member of the Revolutionary Military Council
1923-10-26 1924-04-XX Assistant Commander in Chief of Cavalry
1923-10-26 1924-04-XX Member of the Revolutionary Military Council
1924-04-XX 1937-06-05 Inspector-General of Cavalry
1937-06-05 1940-08-15 Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1938-03-13 1941-06-23 Member of the Supreme Military Council
1939-03-XX 1940-08-15 Deputy People's Commissar of Defence
1940-08-15 1942-06-23 First Deputy People's Commissar of Defence
1940-08-XX 1941-XX-XX Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1941-06-23 1941-07-06 Member of the High Command
1941-06-23 1941-07-05 Commander in Chief Reserve Group of Armies
1941-07-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Western Front
1941-07-06 1941-07-10 Commanding Officer 21st Army
1941-07-10 1941-08-08 Member of the High Command
1941-07-10 1941-09-13 Commander in Chief Southwestern Theatre
1941-08-08 1945-02-17 Member of the High Command
1941-09-13 1941-10-08 Commander in Chief Reserve Front
1941-10-08 1942-03-XX Representative of the State Defence Committee for Training & Formation, Northern Caucasian & Stalingrad Military Districts
1942-03-XX 1942-04-26 Chairman of the Central Trophy Committee
1942-04-16 1942-05-20 Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Theatre
1942-05-20 1942-09-03 Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Front
1942-08-27 1943-05-20 Deputy People's Commissar of Defence
1943-01-XX 1947-03-XX Commander in Chief of Cavalry
1947-03-XX 1954-10-XX Deputy Minister of Agriculture
1953-05-XX 1954-09-XX Inspector of Cavalry
1954-10-XX 1960-12-XX Deputy Minister of Defence
Picture source: Courtesy of Auke de Vlieger