The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Mikhail Fomich Bukshtynovich

Bukshtynovich, Mikhail Fomich


* 6th of September 1892

† 28th of June 1950

(Михаил Фомич Букштынович)


1935-11-20 Komdiv
1942-11-28 Colonel
1943-11-17 Major-General
1945-07-11 Lieutenant-General


1930-03-XX 1930-10-XX Chief of 5th Section, Central Asian Military District
1930-10-XX 1931-10-XX Attending Frunze Military Academy
1931-10-XX 1932-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 10th Rifle Division
1932-12-XX 1935-08-XX Commanding Officer 56th Rifle Division
1935-08-XX 1936-11-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Leningrad Military District
1936-11-XX 1938-02-XX Commanding Officer VII Mechanised Corps
1938-02-XX 1939-05-28 Arrested
1939-05-28 Sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
1942-11-28 Released and returned to the Army as colonel
1942-12-XX 1943-03-13 Deputy Commanding Officer 357th Rifle Division
1943-03-13 1943-11-21 Commanding Officer 28th Rifle Division
1943-11-21 1944-02-17 Commanding Officer C Rifle Corps
1944-02-18 1944-08-12 Commanding Officer XIX Guards Rifle Corps
1944-08-12 1946-05-04 Chief of Staff, 3rd Shock Army
1946-05-XX 1948-05-XX Head of Planning Directorate, Ground Forces
1948-05-XX 1950-05-XX Head of Inspector Group, Ground Forces
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