The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Mikhail Mikhailovich Busarov

Busarov, Mikhail Mikhailovich


* 11th of February 1900

† 18th of September 1981

(Михаил Михайлович Бусарев)

(Mikhail Mikhailovich Busarev)

(Михаил Михайлович Бусаров)


1943-01-27 Major-General


1939-09-XX 1940-02-XX Commanding Officer 83rd NKVD Border Detachment
1940-02-XX 1941-07-XX Deputy Chief of Operations Section, NKVD Border Troops, Ukraine
1941-07-XX 1942-05-19 Deputy Chief of Staff, 30th Army
1941-07-XX 1942-05-19 Chief of Operations Section, 30th Army
1942-05-19 1943-03-13 Commanding Officer 158th Rifle Division
1943-03-10 1943-05-17 Chief of Staff, 3rd Shock Army
1943-05-XX 1944-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1944-04-23 1946-04-XX Commanding Officer LXXXXVII Rifle Corps
1946-07-08 1949-04-30 Commanding Officer CXXIII Rifle Corps
1949-05-XX 1950-06-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1950-06-XX 1953-11-XX At disposal of the 2nd Main Directorate, General Staff
1953-11-XX 1955-03-11 Commanding Officer XXIX Rifle Corps
1955-03-XX 1955-12-XX Commandant of Northern Caucasian Suvorov Military School
1955-12-XX Retired
Picture source:Бусаров%2C_Михаил_Михайлович.jpg