The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Henri-Léon Caillault

Caillault, Henri-Léon


* 21st of October 1880

† 1st of March 1952


1925-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-12-25 Colonel
1933-01-06 Brigadier-General
1936-11-10 Major-General
1938-10-21 Temporary Lieutenant-General
1939-06-27 Lieutenant-General


1926-07-07 1928-12-25 Temporary Commanding Officer 13th Algerian Tirailleurs Regiment
1928-12-25 1929-06-21 Commanding Officer 13th Algerian Tirailleurs Regiment
1929-06-21 1930-XX-XX Commanding Officer 46th Infantry Regiment
1930-02-01 1932-XX-XX Chief of 1st Bureau, Army General Staff
1932-12-01 1933-05-27 Attending the Centre des Hautes Études Militaires
1933-05-27 1933-06-20 At disposal of the Resident-General of Morocco
1933-06-20 1936-06-01 Assistant General Officer Commanding Division Fez [Morocco]
1936-06-02 1938-04-24 General Officer Commanding Division Meknés [Morocco]
1938-05-24 1940-06-02 General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1940-06-02 1940-06-18 Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of National Defence
1940-06-18 1940-10-21 Chief of the Army General Staff
1940-10-21 Retired
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