The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Major-General Umberto Cappa

Cappa, Umberto


* 30th of March 1890

† 17th of April 1982

(Regia Aeronautica)


1931-04-09 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-10-XX Major-General


1933-10-XX 1934-10-XX Commanding Officer 14th Bombardment Wing
1934-11-XX Attached to the Air Staff
1940-06-10 1941-01-01 Commanding Officer Aegean Air Command
1941-01-21 1941-06-26 Temporary Commanding Officer 3rd Air Army
1943-04-30 1943-09-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, Sardinia
Picture source: From 'Ordine Militare d'Italia 1911-1964' by Ufficio Storico dell'Aeronautica Militare, 1969