The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Ettore Carossini

Carossini, Ettore


* 23rd of July 1889


1938-07-26 Colonel (Seniority from 1938-02-23)
1943-01-25 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1943-01-01) 15.03.38- : Commanding Officer 84th Infantry Regiment "Venezia"


1941-09-01 Commandant of the Royal Academy of Infantry & Cavalry
1941-09-01 1941-10-01 Attached to Bologna Territorial Defence Command
1941-10-01 1941-11-25 Attached to VII Corps
1941-11-25 1942-04-10 Chief of Territorial Defence Section, 6th Army
1942-04-10 1942-05-05 Attached to Bologna Territorial Defence Command
1942-05-05 1943-06-01 Attached to Greece General Headquarters
1943-06-01 Commanding Officer Infantry, 37th Division "Modena"
1943-09-09 1945-05-XX Prisoner of War [Germany]