The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of Major-General Nicholaas Theodorus Carstens

Carstens, Nicholaas Theodorus


* 4th of January 1886

† 4th of April 1945


1937-02-01 Colonel
1939-03-18 Major-General


1937-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Deputy Chief General Staff
1939-08-30 1940-02-19 Chief of Staff, Army Department
1940-02-19 1940-03-21 General Officer Commanding Air Defence Region Utrecht-Soesterberg
1940-02-19 1940-03-21 General Officer Commanding Artillery, Field Army
1940-03-21 1940-05-15 General Officer Commanding I Corps
1940-07-15 Retired
1942-07-02 1945-04-04 Prisoner of War
Picture source: Courtesy of Hans Houterman & promotion: 01.05.1934 Lieutenant-Colonel