The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Jean-François-Marie-Joseph-Béranger de Curières de Castelnau

Castelnau, Jean-François-Marie-Joseph-Béranger de Curières de


* 12th of March 1881

† 13th of July 1969

Nickname: Marquis de Curieres de Castelnau


1926-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1930-06-25 Colonel
1938-12-23 Brigadier-General


1926-04-09 Attached to 101st Artillery Regiment
1927-XX-XX 1927-05-28 Attached to 2nd Artillery Regiment
1927-05-28 1930-10-20 Commanding Officer 93rd Artillery Regiment
1930-10-20 1931-10-21 Special Staff Officer, Centre d'Études Tacticques d'Artillerie
1931-10-21 1934-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 16th Military Region
1934-11-02 1934-11-24 Attending the Centre des Hautes Études Militaire
1935-06-13 Temporary Commanding Officer Sub-Divisions Group Montpellier
1937-05-17 1939-09-02 Commanding Officer Artillery, 16th Military Region
1939-09-02 1940-06-26 General Officer Commanding Artillery, XVI Corps
1940-06-26 1940-08-20 At disposal of General Officer Commanding 16th Military Region
1940-08-20 Retired