The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Alfred-Maurice Cazaud

Cazaud, Alfred-Maurice


* 24th of September 1893

† 5th of April 1970


1940-08-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-06-26 Colonel
1941-10-01 Brigadier-General
1945-05-08 Temporary Major-General (Dated bach to 1945-03-25)
1945-09-01 Major-General (Dated bach to 1945-03-25)


1940-06-21 Joins the Free French
1940-07-01 1941-09-01 Commanding Officer 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade [Eritrea - Syria - North Africa]
1941-09-01 1941-10-01 Commanding Officer Territory of Lebanon
1941-10-01 1942-04-24 General Officer Commanding 2nd Light Free French Division [Syria]
1942-04-24 1942-08-07 Commanding Officer 2nd Free French Brigade [North Africa]
1942-08-07 1945-02-04 General Officer Commanding Lebanon
1942-08-07 1945-02-04 General Officer Commanding Division Côtière
1945-02-04 1946-06-01 General Officer Commanding 36th Infantry Division [Germany]
1946-06-01 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Musée de l'Ordre de la Libération, Paris