The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Intendant-General 2nd Class Bernard-Gabriel-Marie-Joseph Chambon

Chambon, Bernard-Gabriel-Marie-Joseph

Intendant-General 2nd Class

* 24th of March 1887

† 14th of May 1979


1930-03-25 Military Intendant 2nd Class
1936-06-26 Military Intendant 1st Class
1944-11-01 Reverted to Military-Intendant 1st Class
1945-04-24 Intendant-General 2nd Class (Dated back to 1942-11-20)


1940-04-01 1940-07-10 Director of Intendancy Service, XXIII Corps
1942-XX-XX Regional Director of Intendancy, Tours
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