The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Lukian Lavrentevich Chebyshev

Chebyshev, Lukian Lavrentevich


* 24th of October 1901

† 6th of April 1964

(Лукьян Лаврентьевич Чебышев)


1943-10-16 Major-General


1938-04-04 1939-04-XX At disposal of the Intelligence Directorate
1938-04-XX 1939-09-08 Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1939-09-08 1941-07-XX Commandant of Kiev Infantry School
1941-07-XX 1941-12-XX Commandant of Achinsk Infantry School
1941-12-XX 1942-10-24 Commanding Officer 43rd Reserve Rifle Brigade
1943-06-25 1944-06-XX Commanding Officer 5th Training Brigade
1944-06-XX 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer 27th Training Rifle Division
1945-09-XX 1946-01-17 Head of Officers' Advanced Training Course, Eastern Siberian Military District
1946-01-17 1946-02-XX Commanding Officer 227th Rifle Division
1946-08-XX 1949-08-XX Commanding Officer 47th Separate Rifle Brigade
1949-08-XX 1958-04-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Military Educational Institutions, Northern Caucasian Military District
1958-04-16 Retired
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