The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of General 2nd Rank  Chen Mingshu

Chen Mingshu

General 2nd Rank

* 15th of October 1890

† 15th of May 1965



(Chen Ming-shu)


1947-XX-XX General 2nd Rank


1920-XX-XX Commanding Officer 43rd Guerrilla Battalion, 2nd National Protection Army, Guangdong
1920-XX-XX 1922-06-XX Commanding Officer 4th Regiment, 1st Division, Guangdong Army
1924-XX-XX 1925-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Guangdong Army
1925-XX-XX 1926-XX-XX Commanding Officer 10th Division, 4th Army
1926-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 11th Army
1927-XX-XX Deputy Chief of the Political Section, National Revolutionary Army Headquarters
1927-XX-XX 1928-XX-XX Commanding Officer 11th Army
1928-XX-XX 1931-XX-XX Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Government
1931-XX-XX Commanding Officer Right-Wing, Jiangxi Red-Suppression Army
1931-XX-XX Acting President of the Executive Yuan
1931-XX-XX 1932-XX-XX Vice-President of the Executive Yuan
1931-XX-XX 1932-XX-XX Minister of Communications
1933-XX-XX Chairman of Cultural Commission, Fujian People's Revolutionary Government
1933-XX-XX Goes into exile
1946-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Principal Official of the Association of the Three Principles of the People
1948-XX-XX Forms the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang
1949-XX-XX Joins the People's Republic
1949-XX-XX Member of the Standing Committee, Central Committee, Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang
1950-XX-XX Member of the Standing Committee, National Committee, People's Political Consultative Conference
1950-XX-XX Member Central People's Government Council
1950-XX-XX 1953-XX-XX Deputy Chief and Chief of the Agriculture and Forestry Department, Central Southern China Military Administration Commission
1953-XX-XX Vice-Chairman of the Central Southern People's Government Council
1957-XX-XX Dismissed from all positions as a right-winger
1979-XX-XX Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Yu Zixu