The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Paul-Raymond-Philippe Cherriere

Cherriere, Paul-Raymond-Philippe


* 4th of October 1895

† 11th of June 1965


1942-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-06-25 Temporary Colonel
1944-12-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1943-06-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back 1944-12-25)
1952-02-01 Major-General
1952-04-23 Lieutenant-General


1942-05-27 1943-07-09 Head of 3rd Bureau, French Land Forces North Africa
1943-07-09 1943-09-01 Head of 3rd Bureau, General Staff
1943-09-01 1944-02-17 First Deputy Chief of Staff, French Expeditionary Corps [Italy]
1944-02-17 1944-08-21 Commanding Officer 6th Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment
1944-08-21 1944-11-15 Second Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1944-11-15 1944-12-21 Second Deputy Chief of the Army General Staff
1944-12-21 1945-04-26 Deputy Chief of the Army General Staff
1945-04-26 1945-07-20 At disposal of the Head of the French Military Mission for German Affairs
1945-07-20 1945-09-05 Assistant General Officer Commanding French Occupation Forces in Austria
1945-09-05 1948-01-28 At disposal of General Officer Commanding French Occupation Forces in Austria
1948-01-28 1948-09-16 General Officer Commanding Division Oran [Algeria]
1948-09-16 1949-02-17 Chief of Special Staff, Ministry of National Defence
1948-09-16 1949-02-17 Director of Military Cabinet to the Minister of National Defence
1949-02-17 1950-05-04 Chief of the Permanent Staff to the President of the Council
1950-05-04 1951-08-28 General Officer Commanding Northern Occupation Zone [Germany]
1950-05-04 1951-08-28 General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division
1951-08-28 1954-08-13 General Officer Commanding French Forces Northern Territorial Zone in Germany
1951-08-28 1954-08-13 General Officer Commanding II Corps
1954-08-13 1955-07-03 General Officer Commanding 10th Military Region
1955-01-01 1955-10-04 Member of the Supreme War Council
1955-10-04 Retired