The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Raymond-Emmanuel-Marie-Siméon Chomel

Chomel, Raymond-Emmanuel-Marie-Siméon


* 5th of September 1897

† 10th of August 1989


1941-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-06-25 Colonel
1945-01-18 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-12-25)
1951-09-01 Major-General
1955-11-01 Lieutenant-General


1940-11-03 1942-07-26 Head of 3rd Bureau, 1st Group of Military Divisions
1942-07-26 1942-09-23 At disposal
1942-09-23 1943-06-25 Chief of Staff, 9th Military Division
1943-06-25 1943-08-01 On leave
1943-08-01 1944-05-03 Armistice leave
1944-05-03 1944-10-25 Commanding Officer Brigade Charles Martel, French Forces of the Interior
1944-10-25 1945-03-03 Commanding Officer Sector Loire-Inférieure, French Forces of the Interior
1945-03-03 1945-12-12 General Officer Commanding 25th Infantry Division
1945-12-12 1946-03-11 Chief of the Military Cabinet to Charles de Gaulle
1946-03-11 1946-03-18 Head of the Army Delegation of the French Mission to the United Nations Military Staff Committee
1946-03-18 1946-08-09 At disposal
1946-08-09 1946-10-12 Assistant Chief of the General Staff of National Defence
1946-10-12 1949-05-20 Commandant of the École d´État-Major
1946-10-12 1949-05-20 Commandant of the Staff Officer Training Centre
1949-05-20 1951-08-28 Assistant General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division
1951-08-28 1954-08-13 General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division
1954-08-13 1957-08-01 General Officer Commanding II Corps
1954-08-13 1957-08-01 General Officer Commanding French Forces Northern Territorial Zone in Germany
1957-01-01 1957-09-05 Member of the Supreme War Council
1957-08-10 1957-09-05 At disposal of the Commander in Chief French Forces in Germany
1957-09-05 Retired
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