The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General René-Jean-Charles Chouteau

Chouteau, René-Jean-Charles


* 9th of October 1891

† 20th of August 1983


1936-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-03-25 Colonel
1943-10-01 Temporary Brigadier-General
1944-02-21 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1941-06-25)
1944-02-29 Temporary Major-General (Dated back to 1942-12-25)
1945-06-25 Lieutenant-General
1945-09-01 Major-General (Dated back to 1942-12-25)
1949-12-15 General


1935-XX-XX 1938-XX-XX Professor at École Spéciale Militaire
1939-09-02 1940-01-25 Deputy chief of Staff, XIII Corps
1940-01-25 1940-02-02 Commanding Officer 29th Infantry Regiment
1940-02-02 1940-04-05 Attached to 5th Army
1940-04-05 1940-04-09 Commanding Officer 153rd Fortress Regiment
1940-04-09 Attached to 5th Army
1943-10-01 1944-02-21 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the Commissioner of National Defence
1944-02-21 1944-08-25 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the Commissioner of War & Air
1944-08-25 1944-09-26 General Officer Commanding Free French Forces in Great Britain
1944-09-26 1945-09-04 General Officer Commanding 8th Military Region
1945-09-04 1946-03-04 General Officer Commanding 18th Military Region
1946-03-04 1947-01-16 General Officer Commanding 4th Military Region 16.01.47-01.04.53: Military-Governor of Paris
1948-12-15 1950-12-31 Member of the Supreme War Council
1950-10-06 1954-01-01 Inspector-General of Surface Defence Metropolitan France
1951-05-08 1953-12-31 Member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
1954-01-01 Retired