The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Aviation Grigorii Alekseevich Chuchev

Chuchev, Grigorii Alekseevich

Colonel-General of Aviation

* 25th of January 1908

† 4th of November 1974

(Григорий Алексеевич Чучев promotion: 18.03.1943 Colonel)


1945-04-20 Major-General of Aviation
1953-08-03 Lieutenant-General of Aviation
1960-05-07 Colonel-General of Aviation


1940-04-XX 1941-01-XX Commanding Officer 128th Fast Bomber Aviation Regiment
1941-01-XX 1941-06-XX Attending the Military Command & Navigation Academy of the Air Force
1941-06-XX 1942-06-XX Commanding Officer 128th Fast Bomber Aviation Regiment
1942-06-XX 1942-09-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 211th Bomber Aviation Division
1942-09-XX 1943-02-03 Wounded and hospitalised
1943-02-03 1943-10-23 Commanding Officer 270th Bomber Aviation Division
1943-10-23 1947-03-XX Commanding Officer 6th Guards Bomber Aviation Division
1947-03-XX 1949-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-04-XX 1953-03-XX Commanding Officer LXXIV Long Range Bomber Aviation Corps
1953-03-XX 1954-11-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 43rd Long Range Air Army
1954-11-XX 1956-11-XX Deputy Commander in Chief of Long Range Bomber Aviation
1956-11-XX 1958-07-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Strategic Aviation, Long Range Bomber Aviation
1958-07-XX 1965-11-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Combat Training, Long Range Bomber Aviation
1965-11-XX 1966-04-09 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of the Air Force
1966-04-09 Retired
Picture source:Чучев_Григорий_Алексеевич.jpg