The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Quartermaster Service Mikhail Ivanovich Chumakov

Chumakov, Mikhail Ivanovich

Major-General of Quartermaster Service

* 7th of November 1884

† 20th of December 1952

(Михаил Иванович Чумаков)


1936-03-14 Brigade-Intendant
1943-04-21 Major-General of Quartermaster Service


1933-04-XX 1937-12-XX Head of Budennyi Horse Breeding Centre
1937-12-XX Head of Military Horse Breeding Directorate, People's Commissariat of Defence
1937-12-XX 1938-01-07 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1938-01-07 1939-11-27 Arrested
1939-11-27 Released
1940-08-13 1941-XX-XX Head of Military Horse Breeding Directorate, People's Commissariat of Defence
1948-05-04 Retired
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