The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Charles-Marie-Ludovic-Henry Claveau

Claveau, Charles-Marie-Ludovic-Henry


* 21st of February 1891

† 27th of January 1954


1934-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-01-25 Colonel
1943-08-21 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1942-08-20)


1938-12-31 Special Staff Officer, Colonial Troops in France
1939-01-01 Attached to 23rd Colonial Infantry Regiment
1939-03-29 1940-05-26 Commanding Officer 7th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1940-05-26 1940-06-08 Commanding Officer 1st West African Brigade
1940-06-08 1940-07-01 Assistant Commanding Officer 1st West African Brigade
1940-07-01 1940-08-07 Assistant Commanding Officer of the Defence of the Daker Strongpoint
1940-08-07 1940-08-21 Commanding Officer 2nd West African Brigade
1940-08-21 1940-09-16 Commanding Officer Police Forces, Cameroon
1940-09-16 1940-11-10 Commanding Officer Troops in Gabon
1940-11-10 1943-05-30 Interned in French Equatorial Africa
1943-06-13 1943-08-24 On mission to Alger
1943-08-24 1943-12-01 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Alger [Morocco]
1943-12-01 1944-03-01 On leave
1944-03-01 Retired