The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General John Guise Cowley

Cowley, John Guise


* 20th of August 1905

† 7th of January 1993

(Royal Engineers)


1941-02-03 Acting Colonel
1941-05-03 War Substantive Major
1941-05-03 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-04-16 Local Colonel
1943-10-12 Relinquish the Local rank of Colonel
1944-01-01 Acting Colonel
1944-01-01 Acting Brigadier
1944-07-01 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-07-01 Temporary Colonel
1944-07-01 Temporary Brigadier
1949-03-10 Colonel
1953-01-22 Temporary Major-General
1953-12-31 Brigadier
1954-01-01 Major-General
1957-10-01 Lieutenant-General


1941-02-03 1942-01-24 Assistant Quartermaster-General, ?
1942-01-25 1942-09-26 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, 7th Armoured Division [North AfriCa]
1942-09-27 1943-01-17 General Staff Officer 1, XXX Corps [North Africa]
1943-01-18 1943-10-12 Instructor at Fort Levenworth , Kansas [USA]
1943-10-12 1943-12-31 Assistant Quartermaster-General, ?
1944-04-01 1944-10-28 Brigadier (Q) (Army Equipment), Allied Force Headquarters [North Africa]
1944-10-29 1944-12-06 Assistant Deputy Quartermaster-General Q (Army Equipment), Allied Force Headquarters [North Africa]
1944-12-07 1945-01-19 Director of Civil Administration, 21st Army Group
1945-01-20 1946-01-14 Deputy Director of British Military Government Germany
1946-01-15 1946-03-03 Deputy Chief Executive ? Germany
1946-03-04 1947-03-31 Depyty President of British Economic Subcommission Germany
1947-04-01 1947-12-06 Chairman of Bipartite Economic Control Group Germany
1949-01-10 1950-12-07 General Staff Representative, Defence Research Policy Staff
1950-12-18 1952-12-10 Director of Administrative Planning, War Office
1953-01-22 1956-01-10 Chief of Staff, Eastern Command
1956-03-16 1957-07-29 Vice Quartermaster-General, War Office
1957-10-01 1959-11-22 Controller of Munitions, Ministry of Supply
1960-01-01 1962-XX-XX Master-General of the Ordnance, War Office
1961-01-01 1968-01-01 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Pioneer Corps
1961-06-07 1970-08-20 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers
1962-03-05 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of John Redmond