The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-General Pierre-François Crozat

Crozat, Pierre-François


* 31st of October 1889

† 21st of March 1979


1932-06-25 Medical-Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-06-25 Medical-Colonel
1941-11-20 Medical-General
1969-01-01 Medical-General 2nd Class


1940-05-14 1940-06-03 Attached to 15th Military Region
1940-06-03 1940-08-22 Attached to Southeastern Group of Colonial Camps
1940-08-22 1942-11-09 Director of Medical Services, Southeastern Group of Colonial Camps
1943-07-01 1944-11-18 Inspector of Medical Services of Groups of Native Colonial Soldiers who can be Repatriated
1944-11-18 1946-12-31 Director of Medical Services, French East Africa
1946-12-31 1947-05-04 On leave
1947-05-04 Retired