The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Heerajee Jehangir Manockjee Cursetjee

Cursetjee, Heerajee Jehangir Manockjee


* 14th of August 1885

† 28th of July 1964

(Indian Medical Service)

Nickname: Charlie


1931-01-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1931-07-27 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-12-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1934-01-01)
1941-07-12 Major-General


1932-12-08 1935-10-04 Officiating Commanding Officer Indian Military Hospital Kohat [India]
1935-10-05 1937-03-01 2nd in Command Indian Military Hospital Peshawar [India]
1937-03-02 1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer Indian Military Hospital Peshawar [India]
1938-12-01 1939-11-23 Commanding Officer Indian Military Hospital Quetta [India]
1939-09-15 Officiating Assistant Director of Medical Services, Western Independent District [India]
1939-11-24 1941-09-03 Assistant Director of Medical Services, Meruut District [India]
1940-11-08 1941-02-22 Honorary Surgeon to the Viceroy
1941-02-23 1945-07-12 Honorary Surgeon to the King
1941-09-04 1942-04-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services, Northern Command [India]
1942-04-XX 1945-XX-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services, North Western Army [India]
1945-07-12 Retired