The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Henri-Louis-Léon-Gaspard Cyvoct

Cyvoct, Henri-Louis-Léon-Gaspard


* 16th of May 1883

† 10th of May 1953


1929-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-03-25 Colonel
1939-09-09 Brigadier-General
1941-03-09 Major-General


1929-07-22 1931-07-22 Attached to 2nd Zouaves Regiment
1931-07-22 1934-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, XIX Corps
1934-09-21 1936-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Algerian Tirailleurs Regiment
1936-XX-XX 1938-XX-XX Attached to the Director of Infantry
1938-01-24 1939-09-XX Military-Governor of Briançon
1939-09-03 1940-06-25 Commanding Officer Fortified Sector Dauphiné
1940-06-29 1940-11-10 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Gap
1940-11-10 1941-06-20 Commanding Officer Department Haut-Alpes
1941-06-20 1942-01-01 Deputy General Officer Commanding 12th Military Region
1942-01-01 1942-09-01 On leave
1942-09-01 Retired