The Generals of WWII

Generals from Latvia Flag for Latvia
Portrait of General Arturs Dannebergs

Dannebergs, Arturs


* 17th of February 1891

† 16th of October 1941

(Артур Яковлевич Даннебергс)


1919-11-20 Lieutenant-Colonel
1925-06-22 Colonel
1935-01-31 General
1940-12-29 Major-General of Artillery (Soviet Army)


1919-XX-XX 1925-XX-XX Commanding Officer Vidzeme Artillery Regiment
1925-XX-XX 1932-XX-XX Chief Artillery Officer Training
1932-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Commanding Officer Vidzeme Artillery Regiment
1935-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Inspector of Artillery
1940-08-XX Transferred to the Soviet Army
1940-08-XX 1941-05-13 Commanding Officer Artillery XXIV Rifle Corps, Soviet Army
1941-05-13 1941-07-18 Arrested
1941-07-18 Condemned to death
1941-10-16 executed
1957-11-30 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Valdis J. Kursietis