The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General René-Albert Darde

Darde, René-Albert


* 16th of December 1884

† 25th of May 1961


1931-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-12-25 Colonel
1940-06-01 Temporary Brigadier-General
1940-09-01 Reverted to Colonel
1942-05-21 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1940-12-16)


1931-XX-XX Staff Officer, 12th Military Region
1931-09-25 Attached to 91st Infantry Regiment
1936-12-25 Temporary Commanding Officer 91st Infantry Regiment
1936-12-25 Commanding Officer 91st Infantry Regiment
1938-08-29 1939-09-02 Attached to Director of Higher Military Preparation & Training of Reserve Officers, Paris Military Region
1939-09-02 1940-05-31 Commanding Officer Infantry, 47th Infantry Division
1940-05-31 1940-06-27 General Officer Commanding 17th Light Division
1940-06-27 1942-04-16 Prisoner of War
1942-04-16 Released for reasons of health
1942-04-16 1942-07-16 Convalescing
1942-07-16 Retired