The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Achille-Fernand-Hector Dassonville

Dassonville, Achille-Fernand-Hector


* 12th of August 1890

† 28th of August 1967


1938-01-14 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-07 Lieutenant-Colonel (Dated back to 1940-01-01)
1941-03-14 Temporary Colonel
1941-09-25 Colonel
1944-12-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-12-25)


1938-01-21 1941-03-06 Member of the French Military Mission to Peru
1941-03-07 Joins the Free French
1941-03-16 1941-11-01 Deputy Chief of Staff to General de Gaulle
1941-11-01 1942-09-15 Chief of Staff to the National Commissar of War
1942-09-15 1943-01-XX Chief of Staff, Free French Forces Libya
1943-01-XX 1943-04-05 Chief of Staff, 1st Free French Division
1943-04-05 1944-08-17 Commanding Officer Troops, Territory of Northern Syria
1944-08-17 1944-10-20 At disposal of General Officer Commanding French Forces in Great Britain
1944-10-20 1945-09-19 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Seine-et-Marne
1945-09-19 1945-12-28 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of French Forces in Germany
1945-12-28 1946-04-05 Assistant General Officer Commanding I Corps
1946-04-05 1947-03-15 General Officer Commanding Southern Zone of Occupation [Germany]
1947-03-15 1947-08-12 Assistant General Officer Commanding Southern Zone of Occupation [Germany]
1947-08-12 Retired