The Generals of WWII

Generals from Romania Flag for Romania
Portrait of Brigadier-General Vasile Davidescu

Davidescu, Vasile


* 13th of May 1884

† 3rd of September 1942


1937-XX-XX Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-XX-XX Colonel
Brigadier-General (Posthumously)(Dated back to 1942-09-03)


1938-XX-XX 1940-06-29 Military Instructor at Timosoara Polytechnic School
1939-08-10 1940-06-29 Acting Chief of Staff, 1st Infantry Division
1940-06-29 1942-09-03 Chief of staff, 19th Infantry Division
1942-09-03 Killed in Action
Picture source: From: ""Veterani in slujba patriei" Volume I, by Constantin Chiper