The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Petr Danilovich Davydov

Davydov, Petr Danilovich


* 29th of May 1894

† 20th of January 1967

(Петр Данилович Давыдов)


1938-04-25 Kombrig
1939-11-04 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General
1943-05-18 Lieutenant-General


1932-06-XX 1933-09-XX Deputy Head of 2nd Directorate, Directorate of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1933-09-XX 1936-04-XX Deputy Commandant of the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1936-04-XX 1937-11-XX Commandant of Iaroslav Shool of Automotive Technicians
1937-11-XX 1941-01-18 Commandant of the Military Economics Academy
1941-01-18 1941-08-01 Deputy Head of Main Quartermaster Directorate, People's Commissariat of Defence
1942-XX-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Rear Service, Crimean Front
1942-XX-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Rear Service, Northern Caucasian Front
1942-09-XX 1946-05-XX Commandant of the Military Academy of Rear Service & Supply
1946-05-XX 1947-07-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Kiev Military District
1947-07-XX 1952-07-02 Deputy Chief of Inspection, Rear Service
1952-07-02 Retired
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