The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Petr Mikhalovich Davydov

Davydov, Petr Mikhalovich


* 29th of June 1894

† 4th of November 1973

(Петр Михайлович Давыдов)


1940-04-02 Kombrig
1943-01-27 Major-General


1932-03-XX 1934-09-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, IV Cavalry Corps
1934-09-XX 1936-02-XX At disposal of the Deputy Head of Command & Staff Directorate
1936-02-XX 1938-04-XX Military Commissioner, Krasnogvardeisk, Moscow
1938-04-XX 1939-01-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 17th Cavalry Division
1939-01-XX 1940-09-XX Assistant Commandant of the Military Medical Academy
1940-09-XX 1941-02-15 Commanding Officer Infantry, 120th Rifle Division
1941-02-15 Dismissed from the Army
1941-04-09 Reinstated in the Army
1941-04-09 1941-06-18 Deputy Head of District Intendant Course, Siberian Military District
1941-06-18 Dismissed from the Army
1941-07-15 Reinstated in the Army
1941-07-20 1941-12-30 Commanding Officer 41st Cavalry Division
1942-03-XX 1942-05-XX Commanding Officer 250th Motorised Rifle Regiment
1942-05-XX 1942-08-XX Commanding Officer 608th Rifle Regiment
1942-08-XX 1942-09-XX Hospitalised
1942-09-XX 1942-09-27 At disposal of the Military Council, Western Front
1942-09-27 1943-05-01 Commanding Officer 108th Rifle Brigade
1943-05-01 1943-09-27 Commanding Officer 97th Rifle Division
1943-09-27 1943-10-08 At disposal of the Military Council, Kalinin Front
1943-10-08 1943-10-14 Commanding Officer 118th Fortified Area
1943-10-14 1943-11-XX Convalescing
1943-11-XX 1944-02-XX Commanding Officer 44th Reserve Rifle Brigade
1944-02-XX 1944-03-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1944-03-XX 1944-06-XX Attached to 2nd Belorussian Front
1944-06-XX 1944-07-XX Hospitalised
1944-09-XX 1944-12-XX At disposal of the Head of Rear Service Directorate
1944-12-XX 1944-12-27 Attached to 2nd Baltic Front
1944-12-27 1945-02-13 Deputy Commanding Officer CX Rifle Corps
1945-02-13 1946-02-XX Commanding Officer 37th Rifle Division
1946-02-XX 1946-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer CI Rifle Corps
1946-06-XX 1947-08-XX Head of the Military Department, Moscow State Economic Institute
1947-08-XX 1948-05-04 Head of the Military Department, Moscow Zootechnical Institute of Horse Breeding
1948-05-04 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko